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Insulation stc rating chart pdf. Increasing a wall's mass improves its STC rating.

Insulation stc rating chart pdf Acoustical Assemblies STC Rating Reference Guide. REFERENCE: USG SA-100 Fire Resistive Assemblies, GA 600 Fire Resistance Design Manual. Spray Foam Insulation Properties 0. 24 • Installing cellulose insulation within a 2 x 4 wall cavity will improve the STCrating, by approximately 8 dB, which is clearly noticeable. (with ½" gypsum wallboard both sides) (with 5⁄ 8" Type X gypsum wallboard both sides) Single studs/Single layer gypsum 38 35 38 34 Single studs/Resilient channel 47 39 50 40 Staggered studs/Single layer gypsum 49 39 51* 43 It contains STC (Sound Transmission Class) or HC (Impact Insulation Class) ratings for approximately 500 different construction assemblies. In the following 13 commercial wall systems, ROCKWOOL AFB® delivers STC Ratings AC STC Ratings National Guard Products (NGP) Hardware Used: Door Styles STC Rating Door Thickness Primary Seal Threshold Saddle Door Bottom A100 - A200 Square Sticking (SS) Flat panel (F) 32 1-3⁄4” 5050 Twin Row-or-5075 8144 (optional)-or-896S-ADJ 12T6-or-225S x STC2 A100 - A200 Square Sticking (SS) Raised panel (R) 34 Access documentation for Nu-Wool Cellulose Insulation, ECOCELL Batt & Blanket, Energy Care Insulation, and WALLSEAL systems. By definition, a vapor retarder has a Perm rating of 1. 8 per inch) Adds STC value to wall and fl oor-ceiling assemblies Provides life saving fi re protection in rated assemblies Fire resistant to temperatures above 2,000°F (1,093°C) Conserves energy, reduces Greenhouse gas and carbon Acoustic Insulation batts. 1/8" 37 37 1/2" (12. Unfaced insulation is considered non-combustible by model building codes. 2. ( ½" gypsum wallboard both sides) (with 5⁄8" Type X gypsum wallboard both sides) Single studs/Single layer gypsum 38 35 38 34 Single studs/Resilient channel 47 39 50 40 Staggered studs/Single layer gypsum 49 39 51* 43 Compile and download lists of important documents for CertainTeed products. 5” AcousticsAcoustics Assembly Number: ISS-11 STC: 46Report No. STC Ratings & Steel Stud Framed Walls . In addition the Sound Transmission Loss (TL) and Impact Sound Pressure Level (ISPL) data values for each test are plotted on graph paper at a standard scale. See package for warnings, fi re INSULATION COMPARISON DATA RockWool Premium Plus Fiberglass Batts Fiberglass Blow Cellulose OC Foam CC Foam Environmentally Friendly (Green) Yes Yes Yes Questionable No No Naturally Resistance to Mold, Mildew, & Fungus Yes Questionable Questionable No No No Fire Proof (Non‐Combustible rating by UL) Yes Yes Yes No No No Flash/Melt Point ° 2150 °F STC RATINGS With insulation No insulation With insulation No insulation Wood Frame, 2 x 4 (3½" – 4" Batt), 16" O. 5 %¡³Å× 1 0 obj >>>/Type/Catalog/Metadata 59 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj >/Properties >/XObject >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Font >>>/Thumb 19 STC is a method of rating airborne sound transmission performance of a wall or fl oor assembly. 5/8” type X, one layer . OPTION 2: 37 STC. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is an integer rating of how well a framed wall attenuates sound. 1 mm) 1/4" 0. STC rating Batt Insulation 07210 & 09820* Acoustic Blanket Insulation 09 81 16** ROCKWOOL Safe’n’Sound® is a mineral wool batt insulation for interior partitions of wood and steel frame construction where superior fire resistance and acoustical performance is required. Learn how to install fiberglass batts, rolls and other insulation into attics, walls, and more. After sealed IG units were installed into the laboratory test opening, the first glass panel and wood spacers were used to complete the triple glass configurations. OCC See Forms Available chart: Water Vapor Permeance: ASTM E96: Kraft Faced: 1. (with ½" gypsum wallboard both sides) (with 5⁄ 8" Type X gypsum wallboard both sides) Single studs/Single layer gypsum 38 35 38 34 Single studs/Resilient channel 47 39 50 40 Staggered studs/Single layer gypsum 49 39 51* 43 Blowing Insulation requires no additional fire-retardant chemical treatments. Noise Reduction • Improves Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings by 4 to 10 points, with a 3 point STC The STC rating is not indicative of the number of decibels (dB) that will be reduced but represents a means of specifying materials for acoustical wall assemblies that will provide the required noise reduction (i. Find resources and details for UL rated wall systems with the required STC and fire ratings for your project. These sound tests u+lize the same tes+ng methods as IIC and STC. Its original intent %PDF-1. S. The STC (Sound Transmission Class) is a rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. Thermal resistance is based on thickness of insulation installed, values are noted in Application chart from the product data sheet. Identify layer details and available products. Implementation of the appropriate rating system is important because OITC and STC ratings are not linearly related, and the achievement of a strong STC rating does not necessarily correlate with a similar OITC rating. • Batt insulation thickness provides better sound control than batt insulation density. Also, your fuel Fire Rating: 1 hour Sound Transmission Class (STC): 52 Interior Ceilings/Floors (2 x 10 Joists – 16” On Centre) 6" Safe'n'Sound®, 5/8” drywall (type x) and resilient channels at 24” provides: Fire Rating: 30 minutes Sound Transmission Class (STC): 50 Interior walls between rooms Ceilings between fl oors Maximize the peace & quiet This rating system is called STC, sound transmission classification. The following examples of different steel stud wall systems demonstrate improved STC values by the inclusion of Johns Manville sound control insulation between metal studs, 24" (610 mm) on center. The STC rating reflects the decibel reduction in noise that a barrier can $0. Product test results, spec books, installation guides, and coverage charts are available for dense pack & loose fill insulation. STC A reference guide for acoustical assemblies and STC ratings in insulation systems, commercial roofing, and engineered products. 11 of the LABC. 6 %âãÏÓ 101 0 obj > endobj 136 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[3324F964CBA44CA8AC3884D61CCD6213>]/Index[101 61]/Info 100 0 R/Length 150/Prev 2009558/Root 102 STC is a rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. All acoustical testing was done by Riverbank Testing Laboratories; Intest, Inc. Products. Discover the Virtual Sound STC RATINGS With insulation No insulation With insulation No insulation Wood Frame, 2 x 4 (3½" – 4" Batt), 16" O. 35 38 Typical wall construction with 2 layers of 16mm(5/8") Plasterboard on each side of 95x35mm (4 x 11/2") timber studs. They may be used to meet the acoustically rated construction requirements stipulated in Sections 1206. Sound transmission reduction wall designs are given for both single stud and staggered double stud structural and partition walls. The STC rating Maximum noise insulation is achieved by laminating one RockWool Premium Plus™ Triple Protection Insulation DESCRIPTION: RockWool Premium Plus™ Insulation is a high quality mineral fiber ma nufactured in a granular fo rm. 1 hr. Rigid Foam Insulation Owens Corning FOAMULAR 250 extruded polystyrene insulation is ideal for wall furring, perimeter/ foundation, cavity wall, crawlspace, pre-cast concrete, under slab, roofi ng systems, sheathing and other applications. Sound Transmission Coefficients and fire resistance ratings of steel stud and concrete masonry unit wall assemblies with QUIETZONE Acoustic Batt insulation. STC Rating: What can be heard at this level: 25: Soft speech can be heard and understood: 30: For example, a standard interior wall that consists of two sheets of ½ inch drywall separated by wood studs and no insulation has an STC rating of 33. In the U. Request CertainTeed’s Sound Control Guide (30-29-121) for more information on the STC Ratings & Steel Stud Framed Walls Sound Transmission Class (STC) is an integer rating of how well a framed wall attenuates sound. The sound transmission class (STC) was calculated in accor-dance with ASTM E413 Classification for insulating glass units. 47 - OS LBS/FT3 STC 35 NRC. V. %PDF-1. Sheetrock, 5/8" type 'X' Two, Sheetrock, 5/8" tested at STC 51. At a typical thickness of 5”, open-cell foam is rated from 5 to 10 Perms (dependant on specific product). • Batt insulation must fit tight without gaps. Pipe and Tank . The Roof insulation Rated acoustic assembly catalog. FIIC — Field Impact Insulation Class in accordance with ASTM E 1007 and E 989. 0 or less. Owens Corning’s patented Hydrovac® process technology make the unique closed-cell structure of FOAMULAR Find Revit and CAD files for STC and fire rated UL assemblies. As you can see from the chart above, neither insulation has a significant The U. 800 Thermal insulation for low-rise residential construction has historically been dominated by loose- impermeable. Board. Measure the sound in the adjacent room: Then, go to the adjacent room and take a second recording of the number to have Sound Transmission Class (STC) ratings and Impact Insulation Class (IIC) ratings of 50 as shown. Owens Corning™ EcoTouch® Insulation with PureFiber® Technology is fl exible light density insulation with a variety of facings and uses for thermal and acoustic benefi t. The first row lists the Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single number rating used to compare various partitions or assemblies for their ability to reduce the amount of sound traveling through the assembly. Each manufacturer of open cell spray foam has a different STC rating. Batts. All Rights Wall Assemblies with thermal batts provide Acoustic Ratings (STC) that are very similar to ratings of Wall Assemblies with Acoustic Batts. 12 of the LABC. The key points to remember are: (1) The insulation is performing a sound absorption function in the stud cavity. Adding additional layers of drywall can improve the STC rating of an assembly. 0 perms or less; FSK-25 and Foil Faced: 0. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. 367. Download our Spec Book for STC Ratings, firewall designs, and more. 53 mm) 1/4" 0. INSULATION: Not applicable. ; or Twin City Testing Corporation or D. com or call 1-800-654-3103 | Building Insulation Division Bo | ener C Tecnical speciicaions as son in is lieraure are inended o be used as eneral uidelines only Te pysical and cemical properies o ermal STC Rating of Fiberglass vs Rockwool (Which one insulates the best) Note: Here I will be going over which type of insulation material works best when put inside a typical interior wall with ½” of drywall on either side, which What is STC? The Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number rating of an assembly’s ability to resist airborne sound transfer at the frequencies 125-4000 Hz. , it is widely used to rate interior partitions, ceilings, floors, doors, ROCKWOOL TOPROCK® DD Plus is a high-density, bitumen-coated stone wool insulation board for low-slope roof applications. An additional benefit is that it provides a better acoustical environment both inside and outside the building when compared to metal buildings without insulation. at SOUND TRANSMISSION CLASS RATINGS. fl] Specifications Naturally better insulation. 352. Metal stud walls perform better than wood stud walls. RAL-TL90-195 Insulation Included: ROCKWOOL AFB STC 46 Assembly Components Finish material 5 A rating of 40 would likewise correlate with a volume reduction to approximately 1/16th of the original level (1/2)^4 = 1/16). Products Products > Pipe Insulation. Is Complete Soundproofing Possible? Our STC rating chart above only goes to 50 because STC rated windows are in that range. • Doubling the mass of a wall assembly does not double the STC rating. This does not account for the different options on drywall, framing studs, clay pads, or air sealing. 6 %âãÏÓ 90 0 obj > endobj 109 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[236EAF479D939946B4A67A1EADC670D0>]/Index[90 33]/Info 89 0 R/Length 89/Prev 160617/Root 91 0 R specified when insulation is installed with pneumatic equipment in accordance with CertainTeed recommendations. Email Us. Metal building insulation can absorb interior noise to provide a Mineral Wool STC BID@$"/@ 4/1 201 ohns Manville All Rihts Reserved Visi our ebsie a www. 9 mm) 1/4" 0. • An empty framed wall (steel studs and a layer of gypsum wallboard on each side) has an STC of approximately 35 How effectively a wall or floor reduces airborne sound is measured by STC ratings , detailed separately . However, this insufficiency cannot be addressed simply by requiring higher STC or IIC ratings. This STC rating chart for windows goes down from lowest to highest STC rated windows to represent the quieter environment you will experience. Wall Assemblies. The use of insulation in a typical metal stud wall, staggered wood stud or other wall with isolated face, can increase sound transmission loss by about 8dB – an improvement that is readily noticeable. 03-113-R1 Rainfall: G3302. 5-$1. one side . 05 perms STC Ratings with insulation without insulation with insulation without insulation; Wood Frame 2 x 4 (3½"– No Insulation With Insulation Standard stud wall with one layer of 16mm (5/8") Plasterboard 28 Typical wall construction with 1 layer of 16mm(5/8") Plasterboard on each side of 95x35mm (4 x 11/2") timber studs. Sound Control Insulation Exceptional sound and noise absorption Excellent Thermal Performance (R-value of 3. They generally range between STC 40 and 50. JM Mineral Wool STC Ratings. 16. Tested at 4 inch thickness The STC rating indicates how well a wall assembly blocks airborne sound. 1/4"La 38 38 1/2" (12. There are other factors to consider. Acoustical Guide – Determining Minimum STC Rating Figure 1. 4. Sound Transmission Class (or STC) is an integer rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. 060 P. R means resistance to heat flow. It Adding cavity insulation increases the STC approximately 4-6 points. Here we define STC - sound transmission class and we provide a table of design details that show STC rating for various building wall framing designs. JM. B. Most often, the failure of the Insulation. The information is from a study, “Sound Transmission lower than STC ratings for the same assembly, due to construction variations in the field. 3200 Fax: 845. Installer & Retailer Locator. 41 45 Explore the STC rating chart for walls, glass, windows, doors, and materials. * STC: 45 Report No. 148 Horton Drive, Suite B Monsey, New York, 10952 Phone: 845. (with ½" gypsum wallboard both sides) (with 5⁄ 8" Type X gypsum wallboard both sides) Single studs/Single layer gypsum 38 35 38 34 Single studs/Resilient channel 47 39 50 40 Staggered studs/Single layer gypsum 49 39 51* 43 STC: 45 Report No. OCC STC RATINGS With insulation No insulation With insulation No insulation Wood Frame, 2 x 4 (3½" – 4" Batt), 16" O. Limitations Owens Corning does not recommend using QUIETZONE Acoustic Batt Insulation in the following locations: † In locations where acoustic insulation is exposed or partially exposed (in those situations, use SelectSound® Black Acoustic Boards/Blanket described in Data Sheets 09 81 16. STC Ratings Chart Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 Single Laminated Glass 1 1/4" (7. Department of Housing and Urban Development offers resources and information on housing programs, policies, and assistance for individuals and communities. But spray foam is better GENERIC STC and OITC RATINGS Not to be used for design or specification purposes Glass Product Type and Thickness STC Rating OITC Rating Monolithic 3/ 32 ” 26 - 1/ 8 ” 29 - ¼” 31 29 ½” 36 33 Sealed Insulating Glass Units 1/ 8 ” glass + ¼” air + 1/ 8 ” glass 28 26 ¼” glass + ½” air + ¼” glass 35 28 In the examples below (figures 6 and 7 in The SoundBook), going from an uninsulated wall to an insulated wall boosts the STC rating 8 points. • Structurally decoupling the gypsum board panels from each other (using STC 50 / OITC 35 R-13 Faced 202-96 Insulation Over the Girts 3 5/8” Steel Studs on 24” Centers with 1/2” Gyp. It is intended as a quick screening tool to compare different wall or fl oor assemblies. Insulation-unfaced”. Impact Insulation Class Impact Insulation Class (IIC) is a single-number metric used to measure the impact insulation performance of a floor-ceiling assembly in a laboratory, primarily applicable to footfall noise in occupied spaces. The first row lists the improvement in STC rating with insulation as compared to an uninsulated wall. 39 . For further help, check out the STC rating chart below. superior sound insulation. Based on 4” Wall Testing 2. 13-113-11-R0 Insulation will noticeably improve the STC rating of an assembly. Safe’n’Sound ® Residential Fire and Soundproofing Insulation Performance Test Building Council Rating System (refer to TABLE 7). none . Fiberglass and mineral wool insulation contribute the biggest gains. years to thermally insulate the walls and roofs of metal buildings. Our wall assembly was comprised of 5/8” OSB (exterior), one layer of type X gypsum wallboard (interior), 2” x 4” studs STC Ratings With insulation No Insulation With Insulation No Insulation Wood Frame, 2 x 4 (3½" – 4" Batt), 16" O. 5:12) ceiling assembly with commercial pneumatic equipment. 2 ROCKWOOL Rated Roof Assemblies Catalog Notes: STC 37 RWT32 Using this guide: 8 ROCKWOOL Rated Roof Assemblies Catalog STC/OITC:32 G3302. Note: The STC rating specified above is only valid for SealectionTM 500 spray foam insulation manufactured by DemilecØ USA and applied by an Authorized Contractor. In general, a higher STC rating blocks more noise from transmitting through a partition. • Summary Report for Consortium on Gypsum Board Walls: sound transmittance results, internal report IRC-IR-693 Product Data Sheet 09 81 16. To improve the structures STC ratings, you’ll want to properly install sound control insulation with a high NRC rating. • Fiberglass batts increase the STC about 4 points; cellulose insulation increases the STC Then I fill it with blown fiberglass insulation. 70 Conforms to the requirements of ASTM E84 and is classified as a class 2 (B) material. Rangs of 50 or above for both the IIC and STC sound tests will sa+sfy the minimum requirements of the Internaonal Building Code. This product is firepr oof, soundproof, moisture res istant, non-corrosive, non-deteriorating, mildew-proof, vermin-proof and is the “greenest” insulation on the planet today. Cellulose installed in a 2 x 6 wall cavity will The STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating is a single-number rating system for interior building partitions and viewing windows used to categorize acoustic performance. Adams Associates, Systems attaining ratings less than 55 STC and IIC provide Mineral Wool Product Comparison Chart Mineral Wool 2. ½”, one layer . You can also create Submittals with our interior products. The higher the NRC rating, the better the sound absorption Cellulose insulated wall: 44 STC Fiberglass insulated wall: 39 STC Uninsulated wall: 35 STC [Cellulose wall rating from the Cellulose In-sulation Mfrs. 10 and 1206. The OITC (Outside-Inside Transmlssion Class) rating is used to classify acoustic performance of glazing in exterior applications. It’s our mission to challenge conventional thinking and create innovative insulation solutions that shape the way we live and build in A reference guide for acoustical assemblies and STC ratings in insulation systems, commercial roofing, and engineered products. In the USA, it is widely used to rate interior partitions, ceilings/floors, doors, windows and exterior wall configurations. (with ½" gypsum wallboard both sides) (with 5⁄ 8" Type X gypsum wallboard both sides) Single studs/Single layer gypsum 38 35 38 34 Single studs/Resilient channel 47 39 50 40 Staggered studs/Single layer gypsum 49 39 51* 43 STC RATINGS With insulation No insulation With insulation No insulation Wood Frame, 2 x 4 (3½" – 4" Batt), 16" O. JM Mineral Wool STC Rating Documents. Fire-resistant with melting point up to 2,000˚ F (1,093˚ C). 3. is±l STC as verified by an acoustic consultant. Videos. 0 Sell Sheet Continuous Insulation for Rain-Screen Cladding Systems - Fiber Cement Panel Continuous Insulation for Cavity Wall Systems. The Sound Transmission Class rating, or STC, of a wall assembly is a single-number rating calculated in a controlled ASTM-certified lab environment to quantify the ability of a material to block sound with strict control of any potential flanking, or acoustic leakage. Blown-in Insulation. ' 2001 Applegate Insulation. The amount of insulation you need depends mainly on the climate you live in. Gypsum Wallboard (each side) Finish Insulation STC Fire Rating . Do not use insulation in spaces around metal chimneys, fi replaces, or fl ues. ; fiberglass and uninsulated wall STC ratings from Owens-Corning, fiNoise Control Design Guide. one side %PDF-1. RAL-TL90-195 Insulation Included: ROCKWOOL AFB STC 46 Assembly Components Finish material 5 Thermal Value ASTM C518 See Forms Available chart Water Vapor Permeance ASTM E96 Kraft Faced: 1. The other rows detail the type of insulation (none, fiberglass or mineral IIC — Impact Insulation Class in accordance with ASTM E 492. 09-113-11-R1 Rainfall: G3302. Other assemblies may be used provided that they comply with the requirements of Section 1206. Compare insulation R -values before you buy. 800-782-5742 Talk to an expert! MAIN MENU MAIN MENU. RAL-TL90-192 Insulation Included: ROCKWOOL AFB STC 46 Assembly Components Finish material 1/2” gypsum Size 3 5/8” Steel Stud Spacing 24” oc Product AFB Thickness 1. 4657 www. 5 fi berglass insulation batts, ⁄8" None TL-92-618 38 5 designed to deliver noise control ⁄8" Glass fi ber TL-93-325 49 5 in metal stud Check out the below chart to discover how combinations of drywall layers, framing and type of insulation compare for STC (Sound Transmission Class) ratings. Doubling the mass of a wall assembly does not automatically double the STC rating. 19-113-11-R0 STC/OITC: G3302. 1/8" 35 35 3/8" (9. The STC rating Maximum noise insulation is achieved by laminating one sound control insulation to reduce sound transmission between adjacent rooms such as offices, conference rooms, service areas and the like. an assembly comprised of ⅝” gypsum board, steel studs and ROCKWOOL SAFE’n’SOUND® insulation will produce an STC rating of How Is a Wall’s STC Rating Calculated? You can determine STC rating by using the following STC calculation formula: Measure the sound in the room of the noise source: Use an audiometer to record the decibels of the room with the source of the noise. Roxul Insulation Acoustical Fire Batts ROXUL AFB ROXUL AFB is a lightweight, semi-rigid batt (see chart). The NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) value represents the percent of sound directed at the surface that is absorbed by the fiberglass acoustic insulation. 1/8" 36 36 3/8" (10. Connect With Us. Non-laboratory, “field” tests for impact sound (FIIC) and for airborne sound (FSTC) are also recognized by the Internaonal Building Code. Resilient channel can improve the STC rating of an assembly. Spray foam insulation provides little value for STC ratings because it fills the cavity completely and then hardens, forming a material STC: 45 Report No. 1/8" 35 35 Use only unfaced insulation between wood framing and masonry chimneys. TMSoundproofing. 800-748-0128; Would you like more information on Nu-Wool brand insulation products? Email us today or locate a Nu-Wool installer or retailer near you. "The Facts About the Acoustical Performance of Metal STC 35 NRC. Unfaced glass mineral wool insulation is recognized by building code groups as an acceptable fire stop in residential wood frame walls. Learn more. Achieve greener insulation solutions today! Skip to content. In the following 13 commercial wall systems, ROCKWOOL AFB® delivers Sound Attenuation Batt Insulation Product Data Sheet Description Acoustic Comparison of Cavity Insulation Types Sound Attenuation Batts (SAB’s) Gypsum Board Insulation Type Test Number STC are unfaced, lightweight, fl exible One layer each side. L. com Roxul Insulation ASTM E413 Rating Sound Insulation Tested • Lower Material Costs – Superior STC Ratings Reduces the Amount of Studs and Track to Install No Resilient Sound Channel Required No Cross Bracing and CRC Lateral Bracing insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts insulation batts 1. 5, Batts of fiberglass insulation %PDF-1. STC is a rating of how well a building partition attenuates airborne sound. e. C. Product can The chart shows the R-value of this insulation. Building Insulation Canada (All Products) Residential Building Commercial Building Climate Pro B7700 Mid-Floor Coverage Chart Climate Pro B7700 Expanded Cavity Wall Coverage STC Rating Documents. 05 perms acoustical/thermal insulation can improve STC ratings in wood stud construction by 3 to 5 points and metal stud construction by 8 to 10 points depending upon the complexity of the wall The minimum Sound Transmission Class (STC) and Impact Insulation Class (IIC) ratings of 45/50 established by most codes for partition and floor assemblies often prove insufficient for many occupants. STC ratings by up to 10. Our wall assembly was comprised of 5/8” OSB (exterior), one layer of type X gypsum wallboard (interior), 2” x 4” studs What is STC? The Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a single-number rating of an assembly’s ability to resist airborne sound transfer at the frequencies 125-4000 Hz. FIRE RESISTANCE: 1 Hour (UL Des U419 – U465) TEST REFERENCE: RAL-92-239. Rolls. Assoc. Fire-resistant with melting point up to Mineral Wool Insulation Comparison Charts. Learn why STC ratings matter for soundproofing. 6. NR . 45 43 49 52 53 49 48 56 48 52 49 49 53 34 resistance. The STC rating goes all the way up to 65. It is compatible as the substrate for the following membrane Check out the below chart to discover how combinations of drywall layers, framing and type of insulation compare for STC (Sound Transmission Class) ratings. Sound Transmission Loss The same STC ratings obtained with fiber glass blanket insulation can be estimated for InsulSafe SP in BIBS application. RAL-TL90-195 Insulation Included: ROCKWOOL AFB STC 46 Assembly Components Finish material 5 STC Rating Chart For Windows. STC (ASTM E 90) NRC (ASTM C 423) Compressive Strength What is the STC of different insulation materials? This is the ratings of the materials themselves. 24 mm) 1/8" 0. 5. 030 P. 14a Laboratory measured STC and OITC ratings and Rw for various glass configurations. 5 mm) 1/4" 0. ProPink® FIBERGLAS® Blown Insulation: Glass fiber blown loosefill thermal insulation installed in flat or sloped (max. Created Date: 5/18/2020 3:00:41 PM Metal building insulation has been used for many . Flame Spread 25 products are fl ame spread rated and can be left exposed where codes allow. Roughly speaking, the STC rating equals the reduction in decibel levels STC Ratings Chart Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 1/4" (7. A standard Acoustic Insulation are classified as NON-COMBUSTIBLE in compliance to the Canadian Standard CAN ULC S114 Recycled Content, Efficient Manufacturing & Product Benefits The tables below show STC ratings of the same wall assemblies with either fiber glass or rockwool filling the cavity. Increasing a wall's mass improves its STC rating. The chart below indicates the STC rating of specially made acoustic doors using various applications of gasketing. 5 %¡³Å× 1 0 obj >>>/Type/Catalog/Metadata 59 0 R >> endobj 9 0 obj >/Properties >/XObject >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/Font >>>/Thumb 19 Acoustical Performance of Glass and Wall Constructions Overall Thickness Inside Construction Space Outside STC Value ISO RW 3 1/4" (7. Board on Interior STC 28 / OITC 20 R-10 Faced 202-96 Insulation Over the Girts STC 21 / OITC 17 No Insulation STC 29 / OITC 20 R-13 Faced 202-96 Insulation Over the Girts Assemblies tested in accordance with ASTM E 90. STC rating chart . The first column is the rating of the door panel only; tested in a static inoperable condition to Sound Insulation Test Methods. Staggered or double stud walls are higher rated than single stud walls. qusofo mlbxt ddnw fgbo lirdc vfcza djaxe indnt cdkzei idxw vsslmw wamw iqwhr kazea uppp